Tuesday, October 9, 2012

How to Turn Your Ideas, Skills and Experience into Passive Income

There are so many incredible breakthroughs happening in the world today in the realms of energy production, education, health, financial systems and more. The world is changing very fast; in fact I read this morning that 90% of all human information has been generated in the past 2 years alone! (IBM) That's absolutely mind-boggling. Are you hooked into these changes? Are you already in the flow or are you attempting to find the flow? Many people are forced to change against their will when they lose their jobs, and their life is turned upside-down. I've been there and I know that feeling of utter helplessness, but over the years I began to understand that forced change is actually a blessing in disguise, because every time I lost a job, I always found one that was closer to my life's purpose. Change made me a happier person. I learned to seek out change in order to evolve.

After my dayjob was shipped off to India, I spent 10 years attempting to become an entrepreneur. I failed miserably because I could never adjust to the pervailing marketing tactics of appealing to human vices, such as greed, fear, and jealousy; and I could never just "sell" to make a buck. The products didn't mean anything to me, didn't add value to the world, and was doing nothing more than taking people's money. I was exasperated, and yet I KNEW it didn't have to be that way!

Then, a new wave of entrepreneurs came around starting around 2010, people who reject the "fast buck" and demand to produce products that add value to people's lives. Once I began to see and hear what this vanguard of very successful entrepreneurs were doing, I got busy inventing a system I had always had at the back of my mind, the system that became IDEABASH.

Being a creative professional, I met many people who lived by their wits, one way or another, but the people who impressed me most were those who were able to turn their skills, passion and experience into PASSIVE income. Passive income is when you create something once, and sell it (automated) over and over again. You aren't trading time for money, you're trading your skills, passion and experience for money, and it makes a HUGE difference in quality of life. When you have time AND money.... the world is your oyster! You can accomplish anything. And so, the idea of how to make passive income available to the general population has been my driving inspiration.

Watch the Video that illustrates how the IDEABASH Distribution Network operates.

If you're interested in learning how you can make excellent income with your products, please contact us through the website. Our FAQ section is quite extensive and we look forward to answering any questions you might have. IDEABASH.ORG


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