Friday, September 28, 2012

How to Invest in Yourself by Empowering Others

This week, New Zealand granted the Whanganui, (the nation’s third-longest river) the rights of "personhood". It's now a protected entity, and both the indigenous people who live on it and the government are responsible for acting in its best interest.

In doing so, the people of New Zealand are taking responsibility for the river, and by extension,  themselves and their future generations. It takes great vision, fortitude and nerves of steel to birth and accomplish such a great feat. It's the relentless work of many people who absolutely refuse to give up.

We have arrived at a time of great change; most people still don't understand quite how momentous this time is. But if you have an inkling, want to emulate those brave and visionary New Zealanders, you can. It's time to put on your Think Different cap, drop your preconceptions, and begin to formulate alternatives. The answers to the crises humanity faces are all around us, waiting to be discovered by people like you. But How?

IDEABASH is my own "Whanganui." It's a forum for ideas. It's a way to teach people the simplicity and elegance of creating products based on their life's experience, skills and passions. It's a vehicle for the financial empowerment of individuals, the community, and organizations. Perhaps most importantly, it's a "resilient" idea ... resilient meaning that it gives back more than it takes; it allows you to invest in yourself, your dreams and goals, while empowering the dreams and goals of others.

It's my great hope that IDEABASH community members will shape humanity's future with their ideas in the form of artwork, music, writing, food, gadgets, video, instruction, and much more. They will offer alternatives, different ways of looking at human and environmental problems. Ideas will grow from other ideas, morph and evolve into new and better ideas, like atoms in an atom-smasher.

Come take a browse around the IDEABASH Offline Distribution Network and feel free to email me with any questions.

Blessings to you and yours,

Thursday, September 27, 2012

How to Beat Inflation

In Spain this month, hundreds of thousands of people are rioting against austerity. Meanwhile, the people of Greece are desperately trying to piece back together their smashed economy. And here in America, the Federal Reserve has just instituted "Quantitative Easing 3" which is, in effect, legalized inflation.... they're flooding our economy with money and within 6 months the dollar will be devalued drastically. Already our credit rating as a nation is plummeting. If you want to find out what eventually happens, take a look back in time - it's the same thing that happened in Argentina, Chile, and Brazil a decade ago.

Instead of waiting for all hell to break loose, I've invented a way for people to beat inflation before it even starts, with the IDEABASH Offline Distribution Network. IDEABASH is an invitation-based community of people supporting each other and working to counter-flood the world with positive energy, joy, and empowering education. We teach people how to turn their experiences, skills and passion into digital or physical products that are sold within our entrepreneurial network. There is no selling or marketing involved; instead we invite people to join us and learn this simplified formula for entrepreneurial success.

If you're looking for a new way to use your life experience to make the world a better place, come take a look at IDEABASH.ORG. Watch the video, read all about what's happening, and if you're inspired, schedule a free consultation to find out exactly how you can get involved!

Wishing you all the success, happiness and health that you deserve....