Monday, January 6, 2014

10 Additional Advantages to Join IDEABASH

In addition to the primary advantages of being an IDEABASHER, which include reliable annual income, business education, earn while you learn and a vibrant social network, there are many additional benefits that may add tremendous value to your entrepreneurial endeavors.

  1. Include Upsells. For instance, if you've got an entry level coaching program, people in your community will sign up for your more expensive courses, increasing your IDEABASH income.

  2. Engage Long-term Customers. With a global community of 4,000, chances are (if you have a great product/service) that some of those people will LOVE what you do, and will become committed to your brand. Long-term customers are the “holy grail” of business.
  3. Find Collaborators and Partners. Our community is an international group of people who are taking action to make their dreams and passions fuel their life and add value to the world. It's a community of people who think and act in a similar fashion, so you're bound to come across a few people who you can “bash” with to create new and exciting ideas/products/businesses.
  4. Expect Opportunity to Knock on Your Door. IDEABASHERs will be looking out for each other so if you have a great product, some members of your community will have ideas for how you can expand the reach for your product or service. I expect many of our members will get unexpected, unsolicited emails for distribution that will break their businesses out to a much higher level. Think interviews, gigs, appearances etc.
  5. Use Your Sales to Pitch Your Product to a Publisher. After the first year, you've sold your book, music, artwork etc to ~4,000 people. Take this evidence to any publisher anywhere around the world, with testimonials, and your chances for being published are THROUGH. THE. ROOF.
  6. Build a List. Lists are vital to many businesses and you can include an opt-in form on the IDEABASH sales page on your website in order to grow your list.
  7. Learn How Others Do Business. As you purchase your products, take a look through the website and see how that person is doing business. Do they have any ideas that you can apply to your own website? Is there anything they do that shows you how NOT to do business? This is an excellent opportunity to upgrade your own business website.
  8. Grow as a Person. IDEABASH is not just about business.... it's about helping each of us to reach our human potential and purpose. Take full advantage of the resources that are available through the Institute, Masterminds and Social Network.
  9. Expand Your Horizons. When you purchase your products, you will receive things that you would not normally encounter in your day-to-day life. This is a real blessing... many people will report that one of the products they purchased has changed their life for the better.
  10. Follow Your Bliss. Many people are new to the idea that they can make a living doing what they love.... that they have a purpose to fulfil. Enjoy every moment that this journey of divine proportions brings! There are ups and downs, but within the IDEABASH community there's a comfy cushion to make it easier and more enjoyable than doing it on your own. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Vibration of Success

Imagine that after a successful year having pursued your dreams, in which you've broken through some of the toughest barriers of your life, you're enjoying a gorgeous sunset, walking down a beach with a friend, someone who's very close to you. You're in the best possible mood, basking in the hard work and accomplishments of the previous year.

While appreciating the rhythm of the waves and laughing at nothing in particular, you see something poking out of the sand, glinting in the last rays of the sun and you run to pick it up. It's quite large, about the size of a half dollar. At first you think it's sea glass, but quickly you realize it's your favorite precious stone. Amethyst, or emerald, or diamond, or ruby.

It has obviously been cut to fit a necklace, or a pendant…. and lived for a long while in the ocean. You can tell it has great value. You pause to realize the great significance of this piece of nature's art which has found it's way into your life, and as the sun finally sets beyond the horizon you send out a prayer of love and gratitude and the most blissful joy to the universe.

The truth is, in life you will be rewarded over and over again for finding and living your joy and your purpose. You will collect a whole rainbow of literal and figurative gemstones to complete and complement your vibration. All you need to do is remain undaunted, expect the unexpected, and have faith in yourself and your vision.

Success is not in the mind.... it's a vibration of your heart's desire.

Success may not be quick, and it may not come in the way you imagined.... but if you learn how to live in the "vibration" of success, you will be amazed at the rewards that await you!