Thursday, November 20, 2014

The History and Future of Entrepreneurialism

The United States was built on the brilliance of generations of entrepreneurs.... from Ben Franklin to Levi Strauss to Andrew Carnegie to Henry Ford to the Wright Brothers to Mary Kay to Steve Jobs to Oprah Winfrey to Elon Musk. 

The entrepreneurs who built this country are gutsy people who let nothing get in their way; their obstacles were unimaginable, but they persevered and it paid off for them and for the rest of us. It's not an easy road; it has created unbelievable wealth for many people while the vast majority would-be entrepreneurs have crashed and burned, fading into obscurity, not being able to navigate the treacherous waters. 

An entrepreneur is a person who has the vision and audacity to bring ideas to life. 

Entrepreneurialism has always been about finding solutions to problems that face society. It's about offering goods and services that help people to live higher quality lives. Unfortunately, in the 1980s when greed reigned supreme, the entrepreneurial culture became more about wealth, and this caused severe problems in our economy. The tech boom of the late 1990s was fueled with speculation, and its crash in early 2000 revealed the how depraved the entrepreneurial world had become.

The tech boom spawned an entire generation of snake oil salesmen, and in the early 2000s the internet was stuffed to the gills with marketers selling empty promises for huge sums of money.

But the world changed after 9/11. Out of the cesspool of pyramid schemes and get-rich-quick mentors, something beautiful began to grow. Human connection became a moral imperative, and those who appealed to the greed factor were shamed. Universities began offering courses in socially conscious business practices and opportunities. The Secret movie inspired a tremendous uplift in conscious business practices.

After the financial collapse of 2008, the shift toward conscious entrepreneurialism gathered even more steam. Many of the entrepreneurial mentors who had previously been marketing to greed and avarice changed their word choices and began presenting themselves as masters of conscious business practices.

The social change has come full circle from the depths of depravity to the greater good, and that's where we are now. Today's young entrepreneurs are coming up with brilliant ideas to solve problems, just as our forefathers did. They have a burning desire to be a part of the solution. They idolize Ben Franklin and Martin Luther King, Jr., not Donald Trump or Gordon Gecko. This generation coined the term "SocialPreneurs."

But at this juncture, there is an understanding that is only just coming into the light. Economists and philosophers and even politicians are saying the same thing:

Entrepreneurialism is by far the most powerful way to develop financial stability and economic equality in our modern world world.

The real power of entrepreneurialism hasn't even been scratched. It's our job now is to open the floodgates to more and more entrepreneurs, to ensure the financial health of individuals and the society for the long run. As the greater population begins to have faith in their innate talents to create positive change as well as income, the world itself will transform.

At we inspire and educate people from all walks of life to become entrepreneurs, adding value to the world around them, inspiring them to turn their ideas, skills and passion into products and services that add value to the world. We have developed a low cost earn-as-you-learn system that teaches a wide range of business skills, eliminating start-up costs and the huge learning curve that prevent the vast majority of entrepreneurs from succeeding. is a global distribution network for original products and services that add value to the world.

It's our goal to inspire a massive upturn in entrepreneurialism in the coming years, helping to build businesses that will provide long-term sustenance for families and communities.

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Meg Montgomery is the founder of the IDEABASH Entrepreneur Ecosystem, a global community of entrepreneurs supporting each other into success.

Monday, November 10, 2014

The Beauty and Fun of Growing Your IDEABASH Community

IDEABASH teaches people how to become financially secure by creating and distributing original products or services that enhance the world. 

Creating these products and services is just one aspect of "work" that must be done by our members. The other part is growing your community, which will take time.

IDEABASH is NOT a get-rich-quick, money-for-nothing enterprise. If this is your mindset, you're in the wrong place.  

What IDEABASH offers is an earn-while-you-learn opportunity which has a long list of benefits and creates a reliable, fantastic, annual income. You might want to think of it as a year-long course in entrepreneurship, and at the end of the year not only have you mastered entrepreneurial fundamentals, but you've built a rock-solid distribution network for your original product or service and made an excellent income!

Once your community is built, you can then focus on your creative endeavors and use the income you earn to bring your business to a much higher level. To this end, we will host online events with entrepreneurial mentors for the entire IDEABASH community, so that you'll learn everything you need to know about being a successful entrepreneur. The education never stops!

The community you build that pays-it-forward to you year after year is a living, breathing entity. People will come and people will go, so get into the mindset of continually identifying people you know and meet who might benefit from IDEABASH. This way, over the course of many years you will watch your income grow, as well as all the other benefits this community brings to you.

The best way to achieve success in anything is to understand how you can help others. 

When your true ambition is service to others, success is not far behind. Conversely, if your only ambition is to make money, then you will probably fail. Use this service-oriented mindset as you talk to people about IDEABASH. Be truly interested in how IDEABASH can help the person you're talking to, and also find out how that person can add value to IDEABASH. When people are made aware of how they can be valued, it elevates the frequency of the interaction. Everything is about adding more value!!! (Everything is also about elevating frequencies!)

Remember, IDEABASH will be very attractive to college kids, retirees, and people everywhere who are suffering from the weak economy. When they know that you will be there to mentor them, to get set up and succeed with IDEABASH, they will be much more likely to join us. Inspire them to throw around ideas and express those things they've always wanted to do, but never had the chance.

It's time to dream, and wish, and find your purpose. IDEABASH is the opportunity you need to help you become become the person you're meant to be.

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Meg Montgomery is the founder of the IDEABASH Entrepreneur Ecosystem, a global community of entrepreneurs supporting each other into success.