2012 has been a tumultuous year in so many different ways. I perceive it as a much-needed cleansing process, to purge all that is sick... and so as a society, and that process means that we've been subjected to the worse of the worst; the worst greed, power, death and destruction.
While this purging has been taking place, I have connected with people around the world who are doing incredible work, people who refuse to let the greed and power define their lives; people who see BEYOND the negativity into what humanity is capable at the opposite end of the spectrum. One example is +Lynn Serafinn who teaches us how to redefine how we sell and market to be an act of HEALING, instead of greed. Her lessons have inspired a whole new generation of social entrepreneurs who add tremendous value to our world.
My singular goal for 2013 is to empower as many people as possible to earn an exceptional income using their skills, experience, ideas and passion in life, and in doing so, grow a nurturing community that empowers, enriches, and embodies all that is good about humanity. Although money is not the be all-end all of our purpose, it allows us to be healthy and do our work, so our purpose here is not to engorge ourselves on wealth, but to create a communal source of "wellth."
IDEABASH is coming to life in a most beautiful way; I hope you'll consider adding your talents to our pool and raise the "wellth" vibration across the new world that is emerging from the ashes of the old!
Many blessings to you and yours, with wishes for a peaceful and productive 2013.
Meg Montgomery,
Entrepreneur Distribution Network