Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Prepare For Something Wonderful!

The Shift is Upon Us!
The hoopla surrounding "the end of the world" in 2012 engaged my spiritual curiosity, and in my searching I stumbled across a Light Worker who talked about the Shift in a way that appealed to me. I realized that December 21, 2012 was not an ending, but a transition. I have done a tremendous amount of research in the past year, following my heart and my purpose, and it has led me on a path of enlightenment that I never could have dreamed possible.

What comes out of all this research is a simple understanding, that humanity is by nature a loving species and when we choose to live in Love and Gratitude, amazing things happen. 

We have been living in the 3rd dimension, which has been defined by duality and fear. 2012 was the end of a 26,000 cycle; 2013 is the beginning of a new 26,000 year cycle that is ushering in the 4th, and then very quickly the 5th dimension. The 5th dimension is defined by Love, which is a the most powerful and abundant energy in the universe. Earth is already beginning its shift into the 5th dimension, but there will be an event happening very soon that will release humanity and all of Earth from the distortion of the 3rd dimension: the magnetic poles of Earth will shift. This is a fact of science. When the poles shift, life as we know it will end, and the future of infinite possibilities will come to existence. 

The 5th dimension is ruled by Unity, Love, Abundance and the Divine Feminine.

The image used in this blogpost is called "Up 2 the 5th" and the interconnected design is called the "Flower of Life." It is a form of art called Sacred Geometry that helps to illuminate the 5th dimension. The most knowledgeable person I have found on the subject of Ascension to the 5th Dimension is Drunvalo Malchiezidek, who has a ton of videos on YouTube, but there is also a fabulous animated video series called Spirit Science, which is a well-researched presentation on every aspect of The Shift. If you're interested in learning more, I highly recommend you spend some time watching!

 There are a few aspects of my research that have affected me deeply. 

1) We have chosen to be human at this point in time in order to experience this highly unusual event. As humans, we are inherently emotional, and our job in this lifetime has been to master our emotions. For me, this has been accomplished by learning to live in Love and Gratitude.

2) Humanity is only one of many, many races of intelligent life in the Universe. Higher dimensional beings are guiding us through this transition.

3) As 5th dimensional beings, we will no longer need food, water and shelter, so the whole concept of money and ownership will be behind us. 

4) All life is connected, on Earth and in the Universe. 

5) What people call God, I call Divine Energy. We are each a manifestation of Divine Energy, and to this end are capable of anything and everything when in alignment with our purpose, and living in Love. 

Meditation is our most powerful tool at this time. This coming Sunday, August 25th, there is a global synchronized meditation happening, emanating from Cairo, Egypt at 11:11pm (5:11pm in NY, 2:11 pm in LA). It's called the Peace Portal Activation. During this meditation, activate your heart chakra and send your love energy out into the world to heal conflict and pain. If we are able to achieve 144,000 people engaging in this meditation, we will be able to activate Earth's energy portals for quick ascension, so I URGE you to take part! Watch this video for more information. (I disagree with the video that this meditation is only about healing the planet, although that is definitely one aspect of it.) Even if you've never meditated before, what a fantastic opportunity to begin, and learn! 

I'm sending you a million blessings of Love and Light!

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