Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Vibration of Success

Imagine that after a successful year having pursued your dreams, in which you've broken through some of the toughest barriers of your life, you're enjoying a gorgeous sunset, walking down a beach with a friend, someone who's very close to you. You're in the best possible mood, basking in the hard work and accomplishments of the previous year.

While appreciating the rhythm of the waves and laughing at nothing in particular, you see something poking out of the sand, glinting in the last rays of the sun and you run to pick it up. It's quite large, about the size of a half dollar. At first you think it's sea glass, but quickly you realize it's your favorite precious stone. Amethyst, or emerald, or diamond, or ruby.

It has obviously been cut to fit a necklace, or a pendant…. and lived for a long while in the ocean. You can tell it has great value. You pause to realize the great significance of this piece of nature's art which has found it's way into your life, and as the sun finally sets beyond the horizon you send out a prayer of love and gratitude and the most blissful joy to the universe.

The truth is, in life you will be rewarded over and over again for finding and living your joy and your purpose. You will collect a whole rainbow of literal and figurative gemstones to complete and complement your vibration. All you need to do is remain undaunted, expect the unexpected, and have faith in yourself and your vision.

Success is not in the mind.... it's a vibration of your heart's desire.

Success may not be quick, and it may not come in the way you imagined.... but if you learn how to live in the "vibration" of success, you will be amazed at the rewards that await you!

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