Thursday, October 25, 2012

At What Point Do You Deserve Success?

In my life I have known extraordinary people who shot to superstardom in their field at a very young age due to a variety of factors - genius, privilege, super-involved parents, etc. I've also known people who worked studiously, overcoming incredible obstacles, and over a long period of time achieved their desired dream of either status, wealth or fame. 

But so many of us work hard, pushing forward, and yet we continually end up boxed in darkened hallways with bolted doors with seemingly no way to get to the next level in our careers.

Why is that?

The reason is always the same - we are not doing the work we're supposed to be doing. We are on the wrong path. Making money in and of itself is not an end-game; but finding and living our purpose is. Sometimes the universe will put an inescapable roadblock in our path when we're just getting by, in order to lead us to our true purpose, but not always. Sometimes you actually have to go searching for that purpose and it can take a long while.

We need to let go of all negativity in order to tune in with that purpose, which is sometimes known as "universal vibration". Once we have eliminated fear, regret, blame, jealousy, greed, then we will begin to vibrate at the proper frequency of our life, and the universe will conspire for our success.  Those previously-darkened pathways will begin to reveal open doors leading to new opportunities; new people will come into our lives offering exactly the help we need; our purpose becomes crystal clear.

So get rid of the cosmic garbage so you can see your path clearly! Recognize the feeling of the wrong path by the negative vibrations. Learn to embrace the correct vibrations that lead you to your success! Once you have found and entered your true path in life, that's exactly when you begin to deserve success.

Come visit us at IDEABASH!

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