Friday, October 19, 2012

Resilient Capitalism as Economic Advantage

"When you chop down a tree, plant three."

RESILIENCE, the modern extension of sustainability means, Give back more than you take. The traditional sustainable model which mandates Replace what you take, is no longer sufficient in our fast-changing ecological world; and by transferring the concept of resilience to economics, we can help return the world to a healthy economic balance.

"Giving back more" does not imply money; instead consider your talent, vision, passion, experience, skill, spirituality, and much much more.

In order to make a living in these changing times, how do we put back more than we take? How do we step out of the boundaries of traditional capitalism and create a more empowering economic model? The answer lies in the mindset of the Entrepreneur.

To become a successful entrepreneur in the realm of resilient capitalism, the most important step is to discover your primary life skill, your experience, your life's passion, and create an idea/business out of it to empower those around you. Your primary motivation should be identifying how you can best serve others; money should be secondary. By living your purpose, you will add to the value of life, and by giving of your unique talents, the rewards for your efforts will come like swollen rivers after a hard rain.

After identifying your passion, become an expert in your chosen field by researching, interviewing, reading everything you can get your hands on, interning, and participating in communities online and locally. Out of your research, write a book, create a teaching video series, or create some form of digital product.

Once you've developed your first product, the next step will be to decide how to distribute your product. There are many avenues of traditional distribution, but almost no resilient models. IDEABASH has broken that barrier and offers a simplified business model that anyone can plug their product into (up to $25). It offers a method to "earn while you learn" and build your business without sinking into the morass of processes, investments, networking, systems etc. that tend to drown businesses before they ever get off the ground.

IDEABASH is a versatile method that works for both new and seasoned entrepreneurs. The distribution model is founded on three intentions: to infuse the world with a tsunami of positive energy; to inspire an avalanche of ideas; and to enable a new generation of successful entrepreneurs. The key concept is EMPOWERMENT of individuals and communities.

We welcome you to come and learn about this new and exciting economic model! Please visit the website and contact us with any questions you might have.

Blessings to you on your journey,

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