Monday, January 21, 2013


When you join IDEABASH.ORG, we encourage you to send blessings of LOVE, GRATITUDE and ABUNDANCE with your payments and communications. This is not just a random request.... in fact, it has a very specific purpose.

Masaru Emoto is a Japanese researcher who photographs water crystals after the water has been exposed to different prayers and intentions. Sometimes the intentions are spoken, sometimes they are words taped onto a bottle of water. Sometimes the intentions are positive, sometimes negative. After the intentions are given, he then freezes the water and is able to take pictures at a microscopic level, and the results are astounding. Watch:

By spreading blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance, we are effecting a monumental shift in the vibration of our lives, and our community. It positively affects both the giver, and the receiver. Imagine the shift in your life when you begin to receive hundreds of these blessings each day.... it is VERY POWERFUL! Accept each blessing with an open heart and never forget to send the blessing with your payments.

This simple action of sending this blessings costs nothing, and can help elevate the consciousness of all who are involved with IDEABASH.ORG. It will help us succeed both as a community, and as individuals.

I take a walk in the woods several times a week and cross several streams each time. Every time I step through a stream, I send it all the love in my soul and I feel that it sends love back to me. I put my hands in the water to connect with it. I pray that it will stay pure and protected.

Our intentions determine our success. Create a positive mindset, believe in yourself, and create your IDEABASH products to improve the world around you. It's a win-win situation for all involved!

Many blessings of love, gratitude and abundance to you and yours!!

Meg Montgomery, Founder

Friday, January 18, 2013

Conscious Capitalism Revolution?

The CEO of Wholefoods, John Mackey, recently twittered "Let's revolutionize capitalism & show that businesses are value creators for the planet & its citizens" - John Mackey .

Now, I'm all for TRUE Conscious Capitalism.... as a matter of fact it's what I dedicate my life to. But I don't think this man is the person to be leading the charge. Mr. Mackey has fought consistently to prevent his workers from unionizing, essentially removing CHOICE from worker's benefits. He's also a climate-change skeptic, citing "I would hate to see billions of people condemned to remain in poverty because of climate-change fears." ( Wholefoods also KNOWINGLY sells foods that contain GMO ingredients (, which is a completely hypocritical action for an organization thusly named and intentioned.

My opinion: I don't think there's anything at all "conscious" about Wholefoods. I think it's just another example of "greenwashing," with a very high pricetag and no, I don't shop there.

So, aside from the musings of a hypocritical multi-millionaire, let's talk about the possibilities of what Conscious Capitalism can REALLY become.

I believe our new model should incorporate the use of RESILIENCY which in the modern terminology means "putting back more than you take." I think it should mean living and acting and producing holistically, sustainably, and with respect. Conscious Capitalism should reject Monsanto, Mobil, Merck and Halliburton, and any other cancerous corporations that hold our democracy hostage. It should empower, enable, and inspire. It should set aside the old marketing paradigms of fear, greed and jealousy, replacing them with the #7Graces.

I think fundamental value of companies should be based increasing the quality of life instead of the profits they earn for shareholders.

Each of these paradigms for Conscious Capitalism is built into IDEABASH, and I will be aligning IDEABASH with other companies around the world who hold the same ideals, building strength in numbers, etc. Let's all come together and DEMAND the end of the deadly form capitalism that has eaten us alive and enabled the greediest among us to take whatever they want; let's demand this revolution of TRUE CONSCIOUS CAPITALISM that understands that there is enough for everyone to live a quality life and fulfill their dreams.


With blessings of love, gratitude and prosperity,

Meg Montgomery, Founder

Thursday, January 17, 2013

IDEABASH Products Add Value to the World

The concept of being able to create something of value and make a living from it is a new concept to many people, and this blog post is directed toward those people.

YouTube is a tremendous wealth of resources for learning how to make things. Right now I'm watching a video on how to make organic soap. I sometimes go to an artisanal organic soap shop in a little town called Sugarloaf NY, where a bar costs anywhere between $4 - $8, so you could put 3 bars of your high quality organic soap in a package and send it off to everyone who orders your product for $25 on IDEABASH.ORG. Every "dollar store" in the US has gift boxes, so that you can make your product appealing to your customers, for next to nothing. Soap is not heavy, so your shipping costs will be low. And, you can make it in large batches to cut down on your production time.

On YouTube, you can also learn to make organic candles, skin care products, shampoo, food, clothes, lip gloss, cleaning products, and much much more.

Start your journey with the question, "What can I learn to make that will help people to live higher quality lives?" Perhaps you know people with skin conditions, breathing problems, allergies, etc and your research has taught you that certain toxins aggravate those conditions. Create a product that helps those people avoid those toxins. The process of learning how to make the product might take a little investment of money and time, but the Return on Investment (ROI) when you distribute via IDEABASH (not to mention any local whole food stores, or Ebay) will be worth it! Plus, knowing that you're helping others to live a more healthy life is like a double payback, and an integral part of our "resilient network marketing" model.

Another idea is to write an ebook about a transformative experience you've had. Millions upon millions of people are searching for answers to life's most complicated questions, and in most cases, they're looking for books to help them in their quest. Write about your experience in a way that others can learn and grow, just as you did. Think about how many other people might have gone through the same experience, but did not learn from it. If you've never written anything before, check out How to Write and Publish Your Own EBook in as Little as 7 Days , an excellent resource guide.

Perhaps you're a gifted photographer or artist, or writer or musician and you've already created a body of work. Compile a "best of" portfolio and put it in digital format so your community can download it. I recently saw the online work of Gregory Colbert and was deeply moved by his vision; perhaps you are ready for the world to see and be moved by your work as well!

The one very important thing to remember is that the world is a vast place and people are looking for what you have to offer. IDEABASH.ORG is inspiring you to tap in to your innate skills, talents and experience to add value to the world around you. Once you've created a product, you can sell it ANYWHERE as long as it's not conflicting with its distribution on IDEABASH. Each year, you'll create a new product for your IDEABASH community. Maybe new songs, or a newly scented soap, or fresh images, or eloquent stories.... once the process begins, it's very hard to stop!

Wishing you many blessings of love, gratitude and success,

Meg Montgomery, Founder

Friday, January 11, 2013

Building a Community of Value

Perhaps one of the most important business concepts for 2013 is Community Building. Success can be easily found in those who excel at networking, creating an interconnected web of people who see each others value. But not everyone is a social butterfly; so the question becomes, how do we even the playing field for those who need help building their community?

The fundamental concept of IDEABASH.ORG is to help people thrive in this changing world, and that means encouraging and helping all of our members to achieve their greatest possible success. This translates to making sure that each and every IDEABASH.ORG member invites at least five people to join them on this entrepreneurial journey.

One of the most beautiful truths about IDEABASH.ORG is that it can create a fantastic (300%) Return on Investment (ROI) even if each member only grows their community by 2 people. This net income would make a huge dent into your energy bills! It doesn't take much to achieve this kind of success. But we're not just encouraging simple success; we're looking for our members to THRIVE. We want to take financial worries OFF THE TABLE so that people can concentrate on more important issues and use their ideas, skills and experience to create positive, lasting change in the world.

Therefore, as IDEABASH.ORG grows, we will be implementing systems to assure that each of our members achieves a first generation community of at least five people. As these systems come online they will be made available to every person who joins us. Our commitment to helping you build your community is ROCK SOLID!

Wishing you many blessings of love, gratitude and success,

Meg Montgomery, founder
IDEABASH Entrepreneur Distribution Network

Monday, January 7, 2013

The Epic Shift Toward Love

Gregory Colbert Ashes and Snow
Are you ready for the most amazing success? The kind that blows your dreams away? The time for manifestation is at hand, but you must be awake, aware, and flowing with the river of life.

It's beyond time to turn off your TV. In fact, give it away!  Cancel your subscriptions to newspapers and magazines.

CHOOSE LIFE; Refuse the News!!

Open your windows and let the sun beat down on your face....  soak in that Vitamin D. Find a way to laugh deeply every day, and sing every song you love. Commit to helping someone in need. Spend time each day meditating, visualizing winning the lottery of your purpose in life. Smile at people you don't know, say "Hello" to everyone you meet.

Eat more vegetables and fruit, drink more water. Enjoy the aroma of your food! Share it! Make it beautiful!

Meditate each day, sitting with your arms crossed over your chest, and your eyes closed, breathing deeply. Visualize your specific purpose. What do you have to offer to this intricate fabric of life? What do you want to be remembered for? What gift do you want to leave to our children?


Open your soul to this river of life and love that has broken its floodgates and is rushing down the mountain, gathering us up into its breakneck current. Don't miss these magnificent changes, and  miracles and synchronicity that are unfolding before us! Allow all that is good to drown your cells in perfection!

The time is now. Don't miss it.

With blessings of love, gratitude and success,

Meg Montgomery