Monday, January 21, 2013


When you join IDEABASH.ORG, we encourage you to send blessings of LOVE, GRATITUDE and ABUNDANCE with your payments and communications. This is not just a random request.... in fact, it has a very specific purpose.

Masaru Emoto is a Japanese researcher who photographs water crystals after the water has been exposed to different prayers and intentions. Sometimes the intentions are spoken, sometimes they are words taped onto a bottle of water. Sometimes the intentions are positive, sometimes negative. After the intentions are given, he then freezes the water and is able to take pictures at a microscopic level, and the results are astounding. Watch:

By spreading blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance, we are effecting a monumental shift in the vibration of our lives, and our community. It positively affects both the giver, and the receiver. Imagine the shift in your life when you begin to receive hundreds of these blessings each day.... it is VERY POWERFUL! Accept each blessing with an open heart and never forget to send the blessing with your payments.

This simple action of sending this blessings costs nothing, and can help elevate the consciousness of all who are involved with IDEABASH.ORG. It will help us succeed both as a community, and as individuals.

I take a walk in the woods several times a week and cross several streams each time. Every time I step through a stream, I send it all the love in my soul and I feel that it sends love back to me. I put my hands in the water to connect with it. I pray that it will stay pure and protected.

Our intentions determine our success. Create a positive mindset, believe in yourself, and create your IDEABASH products to improve the world around you. It's a win-win situation for all involved!

Many blessings of love, gratitude and abundance to you and yours!!

Meg Montgomery, Founder

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