Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Insurgence of Entrepreneurialism

The world has never seen anything like it. 

As the world economy changes, people are scrambling to learn new skills and figure out how to put a roof over their heads. We are at a point where people are converting to entrepreneurialism at a record rate.

I can put 15 years of my own entrepreneurial experience in a very concise statement: Figure out what you're good at, what you love to do, and make it serve humanity, then turn it into your own venture. 

By serving others, we find success... by being passionate about what we do, we ensure longevity of our business. By aligning with others who share our vision, we find the network that will shelter us from the ups and downs of running our own business.

There's no need to reinvent the wheel; the wheel works quite well! Just find your own spokes and put them on. Define your passion and your vision, and you will begin seeing the world in a whole new light, and you'll experience opportunities appearing like never before. Learn about the Laws of Attraction, and all that exists in that same realm, and you will do just fine.

I'm learning that people who are interested in joining IDEABASH think that there are not enough entrepreneurs out there to be able to "find their five" but I wholeheartedly disagree; entrepreneurs and creative professionals are EVERYWHERE, and they're looking for an opportunity like IDEABASH where the costs are low and the benefits are high, and they can connect with a whole world of people who want to "be the change."

Perhaps the concept of entrepreneurialism is still new and people need to be educated about the possibility that they can create a fantastic income from their own ideas; if you run into these people, enjoy the process of enlightening them! Especially college kids who have ideas for the future, and retirees who have the wisdom of their age.

This is a magnificent time to be alive; we have the ability to shape the future, and that's exactly what IDEABASH is doing! Let's do it together.


Meg Montgomery, founder

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