Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's Time to Get Wild and Crazy!

Humanity has only ever progressed through vision and toil. 

Think Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Kublai Khan, Michaelangelo, Elizabeth I, Harriet Tubman, Einstein.... the movers and shakers of the world prove that action (not always pleasant) is absolutely necessary for change to take place, and those actions often stem from the craziest anti-social ideas.

The thing is, for the past several decades, our society has been mostly inactive.

After hundreds of thousands of years of existence, just a few generations of human inaction have brought the world to its knees - socially, politically, financially and environmentally. We got distracted by all the stuff put in front of us - the stuff of convenience. Over just a few decades, that stuff has poisoned our minds and our bodies, distorting and hiding reality behind a plastic mask of false happiness.

After these few decades, people are beginning to awaken to the fact that we have been misled, bamboozled and enslaved while engaged with that stuff. We are beginning to understand that if we don't stand up and take action, we might never have another chance to truly LIVE, or create a future for our children. We are realizing that thieves have made off with our future while we were distracted by that unholy stuff, and now it's time to rethink and rebuild. 

Fortunately, as we awaken and begin to wonder how to effect change in our own life, we're met with communities that have already begun to implement ideas into action. It is now a time for wild and crazy ideas, stepping well out of our comfort zone, and aligning with others who share our beliefs and vision. It is not time for the Same Old Thing. It's not time to give energy to organizations that conform and patronize.

It's time to envision our truest dreams and passions, and set about making them happen. It's time to insist on joy and abundance and health and love, which the universe provides to anyone who is aware. It's time to align with our own personal divinity and radiate that beautiful energy into the world.

To make a difference, we must get into action, come up with some out-of-the-box ideas, and insist on living our passion. Everything we do must help to make the world a better place. Connect with people who uplift and empower you, and take steps to disengage from the false stuff and enjoy what is real.

Only then will we truly have a future to look forward to.

Wishing you many blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance,

Meg Montgomery, founder

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