Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Art of Collaboration

Going forward into this new paradigm of 5th Dimension of Business, collaboration is perhaps the most important element of success. It replaces "Networking," an old-paradigm term which implies that you're looking for people who can give you what you need. Instead, we're looking for people we can work WITH in order to create the greatest success for all involved.

The new paradigm is the WE culture, replacing the Me Culture.

The grab everything you can get your hands on and make as much money as possible mindset has failed us, big time. It has allowed the greediest among us to swipe all the wealth out of our pockets, and trash the earth with pollution and desecration. But it's over now; the ME culture is in its death throes.

From the ashes of that collapsed system, rises the Great Phoenix of Hope, offering WELLTH; a whole new way of thriving that focuses on our strengths and our vision, and our interconnectedness. Humanity is a microcosm of the Universe - we each play a part in a greater plan; and that functionality is reflected in the design of IDEABASH.ORG. Your success is my success. If I don't help you succeed, I will not succeed. But when I help you succeed, the most amazing things happen! 

We're all in this life together. We're all players on the stage. No matter where you're at in your life, when you enter into the IDEABASH community, you become a collaborator in a system that helps people to thrive and add value to the world. Pull your weight! Learn the ropes! Put in the time that you need to become familiar with this new way of earning a great living! Once you've accomplished this most basic of tasks, you will thrive ... by supporting others, offering your vision to the world, and elevating the vibrational energy of humanity.

Join us, this coming Thursday, for the launch of Conscious Entrepreneur Network. Our purpose is to empower entrepreneurs who are "Being the Change They Want to See" and to grow a global community around this philosophy.

You can register for this free webinar at We would love to have you there!

Wishing you many blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance!

Meg Montgomery, founder

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