Thursday, August 29, 2013

Bringing the Future to Life with Your Ideas

As the world changes so dramatically around us, those who can are turning to creativity as a way to express their angst and make an income.  

Creative professionals are more active than ever before, and they're finding that there are few practical outlets to sell their products. At the same time, the expression that's happening right now is fantastic energy toward shaping our future; this universe of ideas and creativity, all mixed together,  can (and should) become inspiration for others who are also thinking and creating and churning out ideas to shape the future.

This is why I created the IDEABASH Global Distribution Network. I want to encourage people to engage with their creative self and produce product ideas that inspire and empower the most beautiful possible future. I am also helping people to engage with their inner entrepreneur.

Starting a home business does not have to be a life-threatening venture, where you borrow huge amounts of money and spend years learning business codes and social media and whatever else you might think business is! It can be as simple or complex as you desire. People bootstrap their businesses all the time! You can take what you have right now, and get started, even if it's just a seed of an idea. simplifies the distribution of original products priced at $25 or less. Our goal is to help creative professionals to earn the money they need to develop their creative concepts further; to take the financial pressure off, allowing for time to think and experiment. To this end, we use a viral growth method that allows each member to grow a global community of almost 4,000 people. That equals almost $100,000 every year if you are distributing a digital product priced at $25. Your community will support you year after year, paying-it-forward to you. Your expenses, aside from production costs, are $125 (or less) to pay it forward, plus the cost of membership, which is $1 in this first year.

Do you think $126 is a decent investment if your return is $97,000? or $50,000? or even $10,000?

The IDEABASH growth method is called Resilient Networking. It takes advantage of the power of viral growth, and is a fractal-growth method, which we achieve by inviting others to come and learn about Each member is only responsible to find five others to join, ever. Just bring your creative friends to the website and let the website do the work! eliminates the need for marketing and sales; there is only a small learning curve, and all that information is in the IDEABASH Institute.

Do you have ideas that can be turned into products? How about organic tee shirts, or granola bars? An ebook of your travels, or short stories, or blog posts, or recipes? Photographs, lithographs, silkscreens, comic books, onesies, music, video coaching, how-to guides, crystals, toys.... the possibilities are infinite!

Whether you're new to business, or tired of old-paradigm distribution models, is a fresh distribution channel that uses New Paradigm elements including the pay-it-forward model, the grab bag approach which allows for learning new ideas, and the advocacy of an entrepreneurial society.

I hope you'll come take a look, sign up for the mailing list and join us so that you can turn your ideas into income, and THRIVE in the changing world!

Blessings of Love and Light,

Meg Montgomery, founder

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Prepare For Something Wonderful!

The Shift is Upon Us!
The hoopla surrounding "the end of the world" in 2012 engaged my spiritual curiosity, and in my searching I stumbled across a Light Worker who talked about the Shift in a way that appealed to me. I realized that December 21, 2012 was not an ending, but a transition. I have done a tremendous amount of research in the past year, following my heart and my purpose, and it has led me on a path of enlightenment that I never could have dreamed possible.

What comes out of all this research is a simple understanding, that humanity is by nature a loving species and when we choose to live in Love and Gratitude, amazing things happen. 

We have been living in the 3rd dimension, which has been defined by duality and fear. 2012 was the end of a 26,000 cycle; 2013 is the beginning of a new 26,000 year cycle that is ushering in the 4th, and then very quickly the 5th dimension. The 5th dimension is defined by Love, which is a the most powerful and abundant energy in the universe. Earth is already beginning its shift into the 5th dimension, but there will be an event happening very soon that will release humanity and all of Earth from the distortion of the 3rd dimension: the magnetic poles of Earth will shift. This is a fact of science. When the poles shift, life as we know it will end, and the future of infinite possibilities will come to existence. 

The 5th dimension is ruled by Unity, Love, Abundance and the Divine Feminine.

The image used in this blogpost is called "Up 2 the 5th" and the interconnected design is called the "Flower of Life." It is a form of art called Sacred Geometry that helps to illuminate the 5th dimension. The most knowledgeable person I have found on the subject of Ascension to the 5th Dimension is Drunvalo Malchiezidek, who has a ton of videos on YouTube, but there is also a fabulous animated video series called Spirit Science, which is a well-researched presentation on every aspect of The Shift. If you're interested in learning more, I highly recommend you spend some time watching!

 There are a few aspects of my research that have affected me deeply. 

1) We have chosen to be human at this point in time in order to experience this highly unusual event. As humans, we are inherently emotional, and our job in this lifetime has been to master our emotions. For me, this has been accomplished by learning to live in Love and Gratitude.

2) Humanity is only one of many, many races of intelligent life in the Universe. Higher dimensional beings are guiding us through this transition.

3) As 5th dimensional beings, we will no longer need food, water and shelter, so the whole concept of money and ownership will be behind us. 

4) All life is connected, on Earth and in the Universe. 

5) What people call God, I call Divine Energy. We are each a manifestation of Divine Energy, and to this end are capable of anything and everything when in alignment with our purpose, and living in Love. 

Meditation is our most powerful tool at this time. This coming Sunday, August 25th, there is a global synchronized meditation happening, emanating from Cairo, Egypt at 11:11pm (5:11pm in NY, 2:11 pm in LA). It's called the Peace Portal Activation. During this meditation, activate your heart chakra and send your love energy out into the world to heal conflict and pain. If we are able to achieve 144,000 people engaging in this meditation, we will be able to activate Earth's energy portals for quick ascension, so I URGE you to take part! Watch this video for more information. (I disagree with the video that this meditation is only about healing the planet, although that is definitely one aspect of it.) Even if you've never meditated before, what a fantastic opportunity to begin, and learn! 

I'm sending you a million blessings of Love and Light!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Announcing the Ideas Into Income Live Workshop

I am so happy and proud and excited to announce that I have scheduled the very first IDEAS INTO INCOME live workshop, to be held on Saturday, September 21 2013 from 12 - 4 at the Shapeshifter Lab, in Brooklyn NY. 

The Ideas Into Income Workshop is a four hour event geared toward people who are eager to earn a living by adding value to the world with their skills, life experience, and passion, and need guidance to get started. In this workshop, participants are led through a series of steps that help identify their entrepreneurial path; learn the proper mindset for success; and lay the primary foundation for long-term abundance. To this end, the Ideas Into Income Workshop teaches “New Paradigm” business building skills, including (but not limited to) bootstrapping/crowd funding, ethical marketing, success mindset, collaboration, and masterminds.
There will be a mix of lecture, group interaction and demonstration to inspire and teach social entrepreneurial fundamentals. By the end of the workshop, each participant will have a firm understanding of the best path to their entrepreneurial dream, and the steps needed to fulfil that dream.

Workshop Participants will receive:
- 4 hours of instruction through lecture, group work and demonstration
- Workbook
- The Art of Personal Transformation
The Ideas Into Income Video Training Series (a 10-week program supporting the concepts put forth in the workshop)
- coffee, tea, pastries
- contact info for anyone who wants to stay connected after the workshop

Social Entrepreneurs are needed now, more than ever. By experiencing the Ideas Into Income Workshop, you will knock years off your entrepreneurial learning curve & help you design an abundant, meaningful, joyful future!

To learn more, please visit

As a special bonus, join us after the workshop for a free musical, spoken word and beatrhyming performance, it's the very first IDEABASH BASH featuring some of NYC's hottest talent!


Meg Montgomery, Founder

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Art of Allowing

A loud noise outside my window woke me up this morning with a jolt; it was well before dawn and rising from my dream,  a phrase was running through my mind: "The Art of Allowing." 

In my semi-conscious state, the term repeated itself over and over again, like gentle waves lapping on a beach. The Art of Allowing, The Art of Allowing, The Art of Allowing. I couldn't get myself back to sleep before the birds began chirping their exuberant chorus greeting the new day, so I got out of bed and did some thinking and writing. 

If you're not familiar, The Art of Allowing is a concept presented by Abraham Hicks and you can watch a short overview here or if you'd like an in-depth presentation (4+ hours!) you can watch this video. I am not going into detail about it here, since there's so much information available. 

We are at a critical juncture in the evolution of Humanity. On the one hand, we have a cabal of extremists who are doing everything they can to oppress and/or exterminate us. On the other hand, we have the most amazing sequence of discoveries, inventions, and successful peaceful protests in the history of mankind. There are two sides to the coin, and it is absolutely true that wherever you choose to put your energy, that will be the energy you receive back. So, for instance, you cannot be glued to your television watching conventional "news" and expect to be made aware of the magnificent achievements humanity is accomplishing right now. Likewise, you cannot engage in fear, hate or anger, and expect to receive love. It's either one or the other. 

What I try to do is guide people out of fear, into love. I empower, reveal, and lend a helping hand when needed. I am not a teacher so much as a guide. This morning's revelation peeled back yet another layer of my own personal understanding of how the universe works; and that is, that it's essential to replace the fight with dreams. It's time to stop waiting in expectation; instead, open up a space inside of you that allows your dream to come true.

This astral juncture that Earth is experiencing right now in July 2013 (the Grand Sextile) is about manifesting. It's about dreaming and creating your most amazing future. It's about unity, and love, and gratitude. It's about the power of love, our highest emotion, to bring about transformation within humanity and on the planet. So, if you can truly get yourself into a state of "allowing" then you will be amazed at the energy that flows into your life!

Allow yourself to be healthy.
Allow yourself to be joyful.
Allow yourself to be wellthy.
Allow yourself to be loved.

You're invited to come visit IDEABASH.ORG and learn how you can turn your ideas into income and
THRIVE in the changing world!

Wishing you many blessings of love, gratitude & abundance,

Meg Mongomery, founder

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Employee vs. Entrepreneur

This time in the history of humanity is super-charged with electricity; change is happening so fast it's hard to take it all in. Information is flowing at the speed of light; ideas like a flooded river. With so much happening in the world, it's difficult to recognize the truly important issues. 

In this blogpost I'm going to concentrate on one issue that I see drastically affecting the future quality of life for most of humanity.

The one issue I've recently become aware of that has incredible significance to the future of many people around the world, is that corporations intend to start paying their employees with debit cards. That in itself might not be too bad, but what's happening is that these cards carry hefty fees, which drastically reduce the workers' salary. (See Article).

In the past few years, we've seen a concerted attack on workers' rights around the world, and the future of employees is less and less "inviting." In fact, it's sinking quickly into a wage-slave state. College loan interest rates have doubled, unemployment remains sky-high, job competition is scathing, and people young and old just don't know that there's an alternative to Employment.

My passion and purpose is to help people learn how to identify their own passion and skills, and teach them how to turn those skills into a resilient entrepreneurial income, and become life-long entrepreneurs. You are not a predestined employee; in fact, every human is a born entrepreneur! I'm here to help you get back in touch with that creative, resourceful and joyful part of yourself. It's much more simple than you may imagine, and the resulting lifestyle is the difference between surviving, and thriving.

You're invited to come and see if the Wellthy Entrepreneur Workshop is right for you. It's time now to define, and stand strongly, for what you believe in, so that you can shape and live the future of your dreams.

Sending many blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance,
Meg Montgomery, founder

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Different Kind of Independence

Today in the US we are celebrating Independence Day, one day each year when Americans predictably overindulge in patriotism, BBQ and beer. But today, I'm celebrating something a little different: Freedom of Spirit, and Independence of Mind, and Choice of Nourishment.

Food Freedom
Corporate agriculture in America has become an absolute cesspool. GMOs, pesticides, and factory farms that pump the animals full of antibiotics and unnatural food have created a culture of death. Agribusiness is one of the major users and polluters of our water supply, and the transport of its products uses a tremendous amount of fossil fuels. To make matters worse, it's now illegal to film inside a slaughterhouse, documenting the insane, inhumane processes that go on around the country. People who purchase corporate food are subjecting themselves to a slow, painful death. It's heartbreaking to watch families in the supermarket fill their baskets with processed food that will cause their children to suffer numerous diseases and ailments, maybe tomorrow, maybe next month, maybe next year.

Today, I'm going to celebrate my food freedom by indulging in fresh baby greens picked fresh from my garden an hour ago. I'll throw in some other veges that I bought at the farmers market, and make a big organic salad, and later in the day I'll cook up an olive/carmelized onion omelet using eggs from the chickens I have raised. Now that I've finished my coffee, I'm going to drink only water, fresh and unfiltered, that comes free-flowing from the pure aquifer just below the ground. That will be my food for the day.

I am infinitely grateful for the knowledge & resources to feed myself with this blessed food. 

Intellectual Freedom
America was founded on the separation of religion from politics, but in the past few years that minor aspect of our Constitution has been stomped on and shredded to bits by religious, political zealots. I believe that America only became great because of its diversity; industrialists be damned. It was the melting pot of ideas that made this country magnificent. Tesla, Einstein, MLK Jr, JFK, Maya Angelou, and too many other amazing minds to name.... however they arrived, the imaginations of America's visionaries are what lit the fire that powered the growth of the Dream.

Despite all, we still enjoy more intellectual freedom than most countries in the world, but it only exists for people who ask the right questions. Our schools are trying very hard to shut down curiosity in the minds of our children, and so it becomes our job as adults to keep creativity alive. Its our job to disconnect our kids from the electronic world, because the future of humanity lies in experimenting, feeling, making mistakes, and following the path of our passions. It's our job to keep them asking questions, and answering those questions or at least leading our beloveds to information that will keep them asking more questions.

I am grateful to be the mother of a beautiful, intelligent, warm-hearted son whose curiosity keeps me learning more and more about the world.

Spiritual Freedom
I have truly valued growing up with people of different beliefs, and learning about those beliefs. I've learned equally from Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, Aetheists and Christians, and I find brilliance in every faith. I didn't understand, until I first visited a theocracy, what a gift it was to have this upbringing; the ability to ask questions, and disagree, and learn, and respect. In a theocracy, there is no experimentation, you are a follower and that's the end of the story. Theocracies, by their very nature, inhibit creativity.

At this point in time, spiritual freedom in America is being crushed ultra-conservatives from all faiths. The extremity of the belief that there is only one way to worship God will perhaps be the downfall of humanity. Nevertheless, I still have the freedom to learn more about my relationship with life itself, and this freedom to believe as I choose has helped me to grow more than anything else in my life.

I am grateful for my freedom to learn, and grow, and believe as I choose. 

I wish you all the freedom to follow your dreams and use your talents to make the world a better place for our children! Happy Independence Day to all.

Meg Montgomery, founder
IDEABASH.ORG Turn your Ideas into Income and THRIVE in the Changing World!

Friday, June 28, 2013

The Evolution of Ideas

I recently read a book called Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea, where the author takes us on a tumultuous journey through the evolution of Zero, from ancient times all the way to the present. 

It reads as almost a murder mystery, with tales of theft, murder, deceit and riches... quite unbelievable for a concept that seems so simple in our modern world! The truth is, the discovery of Zero changed our world in unimaginable ways. Mathematicians and scientists who understood the power of it were ruthless in their desire to own the concept, and to have their name associated with it.

Equally ruthless was the Catholic Church, which sought to suppress the existence of it, and the Islamic faith which interpreted zero as the existence of God (it's the reason that Muslims are not allowed to personify God). 

The book planted the seed for a question that continues to grow as I engage in more and more collaborations:
What does it mean to "OWN" and idea?

This is a hot topic. Patents and trademarks and copyrights have shot through the roof in recent years, with corporations snapping up the rights to words, concepts, seeds, and even DNA in a mad dash of ownership greed. But this concept of ownership is also in play in the world at large. 

Take, for instance, the music world, where the concept of ownership has been a hotbed of discussion for many years. Sampling is a major tool of music composition... you can sample anyone's music, under 3 seconds, no matter how recognizable, and not have to pay for it or credit the composer. Jazz musicians quote each other in their solos all the time. Styles are emulated, music is downloaded for free and shared, and almost always, the artist/composer/producer is not properly renumerated for their creative work. Is that a fair way to do business? One of the reasons I walked out on the music business because it became so difficult to make any kind of living unless you literally pimped yourself, so a new model is desperately needed (but as yet I haven't invented it)!

In the business world, perhaps it's a cliche idea that ideas are "stolen" and repurposed, and yet it's a very important conversation. People are very careful to trademark and copyright their books and ideas (in general), and yet you just can't patent everything. Sometimes a great idea comes along that slips into the mainstream before anyone can lay claim to it. Who owns it then? At what point does a word or idea become "common knowledge"? What do we owe those people who introduce us to the idea or word, before it becomes common knowledge? 

I can't answer all these questions. I do believe that there are some powerful words and concepts that, if given widespread distribution, can empower humanity, and therefore to restrict those words/concepts is to restrict our very evolution. But I also think that credit needs to be given where it is due. If you read a book, or a blog, or watch a movie and are struck by an idea that would add great meaning to your work, it's respectful to open up a conversation with the person who introduced you to the idea; find out the relationship of the person to the word/concept before you turn it into your own. Ask permission to adopt it, if that person exists in your sphere of influence.

The evolution of ideas is IMPERATIVE to our survival; and indeed it may take many generations of people grappling with concepts in order to achieve brilliant answers, as it did with Zero. Some people may be a better megaphone for an idea than others. But, instead of creating competition and lack (very old paradigm!), let's collaborate and let go of the stumbling blocks that prevent us from progressing into our brilliant future. 

Instead of OWNING ideas, let's ASSOCIATE with ideas.... the more people who associate and add their flavor to an idea, the more powerful it becomes. If you've got a particularly wonderful idea, then by working together to promote that idea we have the ability to achieve Critical Mass (the most resilient energy of our times)

We need powerful, innovative ideas more than ever! The collaborative evolution of ideas is #NewParadigm; it's what will bring us the answers we need to survive the crisis we're currently facing.

Friday, May 31, 2013

A Resilient Idea to Pay Off College Debt

It's graduation time, and here in the U.S. hoards of new adults are out in the world, looking for a job, scrambling in a highly competitive world because they now have a formidable monthly bill that must be paid.

The situation they face is grim. I'm reminded of the situation in Egypt, where young adults must put off marriage because there's just no jobs, ergo no money to start a family. What are the alternatives to working a minimum wage job which won't even pay rent, much less a tuition bill?

IDEABASH.ORG offers an option that is not just about earning an income, but becoming a part of a worldwide community of people who desire to BE THE CHANGE THEY WISH TO SEE IN THE WORLD (in the words of M. Gandhi). IDEABASH.ORG uses a post-modern, ethical version of networking marketing called Resilient Networking to help people turn their ideas into products, and distribute those products to a global community of entrepreneurs and creative professionals of a similar mindset.

Resilient Networking is a pay-it-forward system. By empowering others, we are then empowered. The products found in the IDEABASH.ORG Network add value to the world; they are organic products, self-help books, music, artwork, coaching programs, recipe books, jewelry, video tutorials, and any other product that is the result of passion, skill, expertise, or experience. They are products that enhance the lives of those who receive them.

I have several recommendations for college students who are just starting out with IDEABASH and want to pay off college debt ASAP. The first is to create something that has to do with your vision for the future. Make this product as if it's your senior thesis - put blood sweat and tears into it, and offer  value to the people who pay it forward to you. It could be a book, or symphony, or a video, or an organic tee shirt. (We don't want to see conventional cotton because it's GMO.) Digital products will have higher earnings, but it's not always about money…. if you create a gorgeous tee shirt, you'll make less money at the outset, but you'll find customers for life, which is the holy grail of entrepreneurship. (Business lesson 101!) 

You could make a calendar from photos you've taken, or interview your grandparents about life when they were young.  You could offer a trial subscription to a daily/monthly/weekly skype yoga/workout session that you offer. You could write about something important that you have learned, that you think others might benefit from. How you can add value to the world with your own life experience?

As an IDEABASH.ORG member you will grow a community of about 4,000 people who purchase a new product from you each year. So, for a digital product priced at $25, that equals about $100,000 annual income (passive income, which means you produce the product once and delivery is automated and therefore your time is free - Business lesson 102).

IDEABASH.ORG is specifically for people who want to bring light to the world, add their voice to the growing voice of peaceful change, and be a part of a global community that adds value to the world. It has nothing to do with "getting rich quick" and everything to do with long-term growth and financial security.

IDEABASH.ORG was designed to be affordable for everyone to join. It's designed to empower people from all walks of life to become entrepreneurs. It's designed to promote community, and teach the value of living in a state of Love and Gratitude.

Come join us on June 5th for a Live Q&A call on Skype, to ask questions and learn more about how IDEABASH.ORG works. You can find information on the front page of the website.

Wishing you many blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance,

Meg Montgomery, Founder


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Are Creative Professionals Entrepreneurs?

I went to college at a Big 10 university in pursuit of a music degree. I would say that 95% of my time during those years revolved around practicing, classes, performing and hanging out with other musicians. I did have a few friends who were in the business school, and they urged me to take Business 101, but I flatly refused; In my youthful folly, I believed with all my soul that all I needed was my creativity and experience to get me where I was going.

Le Collage C'est Fou!!
Le Collage C'est Fou!! 1997 Record Release Party @ SOBs, NYC
Like many musicians, authors and artists, I willingly accepted the role of starving artist, believing it was the only way to find the true essence of my creativity. Unfortunately, when my creativity finally manifested into a marketable product, I was completely lost... I had zero information about how to market and sell my first CD, and my music was way outside the radar of the music industry.

After putting my heart and soul into this project, not to mention borrowing money to get it done, and enlisting the help of many people to introduce it to the world, it was an absolutely devastating experience to have this CD go absolutely NOWHERE; sell almost no copies; because I had zero experience with marketing and sales. That business 101 class would have come in real handy!

The shame and failure of this flop led me on a very long journey that taught me the power of entrepreneurialism. It's a hard word to say, and some people shy away from it for that reason, but it's the best word we have to encapsulate our ability to transform our creative ideas into income on our own terms.

How many creative professionals are out there who can relate to my story? Musicians? Artists? Performers? Authors... People who have the juices flowing to create beauty out of their experience, but no understanding of how to get their product out into the world, on their own terms. I sigh when I think of how many people I know personally who fit this description. 

Many people believe that creativity and business are diametrically opposed; that the two have no relation, but I am here to prove different. The system I have created with IDEABASH is about empowerment and community building; it's about expanding your reach in ways you never could have dreamed of. It's about inspiration and collaboration and education. It's about making an excellent annual income so that your mind is free to concentrate on making more art, or music, or words that add value to the world.

With IDEABASH, I have eliminated the mediocre morass of business as usual; the middle man, the paperwork, the limitations. Instead, I offer a simple method to creating a global community of entrepreneurs who support your work, as you offer a new product every year. Probable income for digital products is almost $100,000 annually, and you earn 100% of every sale you make. It's virtually impossible to lose money with IDEABASH, but it could end your financial stress forever. 

What would a world be like, with artists who had the freedom to create without worrying about paying rent, or finding the money to fund their next project? I think it would be an extraordinary world, indeed.  

Come on over and take a look! Join one of our upcoming calls to find out how others are finding success  in this infant stage of IDEABASH. Imagine yourself a year from now, debt-free and absolutely empowered to do your greatest work. 

We're looking forward to it!

Wishing you many blessings of love and gratitude and abundance,

Meg Montgomery, founder

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Insurgence of Entrepreneurialism

The world has never seen anything like it. 

As the world economy changes, people are scrambling to learn new skills and figure out how to put a roof over their heads. We are at a point where people are converting to entrepreneurialism at a record rate.

I can put 15 years of my own entrepreneurial experience in a very concise statement: Figure out what you're good at, what you love to do, and make it serve humanity, then turn it into your own venture. 

By serving others, we find success... by being passionate about what we do, we ensure longevity of our business. By aligning with others who share our vision, we find the network that will shelter us from the ups and downs of running our own business.

There's no need to reinvent the wheel; the wheel works quite well! Just find your own spokes and put them on. Define your passion and your vision, and you will begin seeing the world in a whole new light, and you'll experience opportunities appearing like never before. Learn about the Laws of Attraction, and all that exists in that same realm, and you will do just fine.

I'm learning that people who are interested in joining IDEABASH think that there are not enough entrepreneurs out there to be able to "find their five" but I wholeheartedly disagree; entrepreneurs and creative professionals are EVERYWHERE, and they're looking for an opportunity like IDEABASH where the costs are low and the benefits are high, and they can connect with a whole world of people who want to "be the change."

Perhaps the concept of entrepreneurialism is still new and people need to be educated about the possibility that they can create a fantastic income from their own ideas; if you run into these people, enjoy the process of enlightening them! Especially college kids who have ideas for the future, and retirees who have the wisdom of their age.

This is a magnificent time to be alive; we have the ability to shape the future, and that's exactly what IDEABASH is doing! Let's do it together.


Meg Montgomery, founder

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's Time to Get Wild and Crazy!

Humanity has only ever progressed through vision and toil. 

Think Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Kublai Khan, Michaelangelo, Elizabeth I, Harriet Tubman, Einstein.... the movers and shakers of the world prove that action (not always pleasant) is absolutely necessary for change to take place, and those actions often stem from the craziest anti-social ideas.

The thing is, for the past several decades, our society has been mostly inactive.

After hundreds of thousands of years of existence, just a few generations of human inaction have brought the world to its knees - socially, politically, financially and environmentally. We got distracted by all the stuff put in front of us - the stuff of convenience. Over just a few decades, that stuff has poisoned our minds and our bodies, distorting and hiding reality behind a plastic mask of false happiness.

After these few decades, people are beginning to awaken to the fact that we have been misled, bamboozled and enslaved while engaged with that stuff. We are beginning to understand that if we don't stand up and take action, we might never have another chance to truly LIVE, or create a future for our children. We are realizing that thieves have made off with our future while we were distracted by that unholy stuff, and now it's time to rethink and rebuild. 

Fortunately, as we awaken and begin to wonder how to effect change in our own life, we're met with communities that have already begun to implement ideas into action. It is now a time for wild and crazy ideas, stepping well out of our comfort zone, and aligning with others who share our beliefs and vision. It is not time for the Same Old Thing. It's not time to give energy to organizations that conform and patronize.

It's time to envision our truest dreams and passions, and set about making them happen. It's time to insist on joy and abundance and health and love, which the universe provides to anyone who is aware. It's time to align with our own personal divinity and radiate that beautiful energy into the world.

To make a difference, we must get into action, come up with some out-of-the-box ideas, and insist on living our passion. Everything we do must help to make the world a better place. Connect with people who uplift and empower you, and take steps to disengage from the false stuff and enjoy what is real.

Only then will we truly have a future to look forward to.

Wishing you many blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance,

Meg Montgomery, founder

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Radiant Survival!!!

I want to tell you about a project my friend, Erica Tucci, is working on that is going to help a lot of people who may be facing a serious life trauma.

Erica is a stroke survivor. She has written a book entitled Radiant Survivor: How to Shine and Thrive through Recovery from Stroke, Cancer, Abuse, Addiction and Other Life-Altering Experiences. This book is a collection of inspiring stories from Erica and 14 other ‘radiant survivors’, along with many practical exercises she hopes will inspire anyone facing their own life-altering experience.

Because she is on disability with limited funds, Erica is having a crowd-funding campaign to raise the money she needs for this project, and bring this book to those in need.

Today, I’m reaching out to ask you to help us with this fundraiser. Between now and Friday June 15th, we are on a mission to help Erica raise $15,000 to cover the costs of editing, cover design, printing, marketing, distribution, etc. All the professionals being hired are offering their services at discounted rates because they believe in the good this book can do for others in recovery.

Everyone who helps us reach our target will receive a nice thank you gift for their contribution.
Depending upon your contribution, you could receive a signed copy of the book, a framed copy of the
Radiant Survivor poem, and many other nice gifts. You could even get a donation of books made in your name to an organization of your choice, or have Erica come speak at a local event.

To help make the Radiant Survivor project a reality, go to or SPONSUME and make a donation. Whether you are able to donate $15 or $1,000, your contribution will make a big difference to someone you may never meet, but who is in real need of hope.

ALSO, if we exceed our target amount of $15,000, we'll be donating the surplus to the Spero Rehab in Katy, TX, where Erica spent nearly two years in recovery. It’s her way of ‘paying it forward’ for all they have done for her and others.

Thanks so much for taking time to read about Radiant Survivor. To stay on top of the latest news
on this project, follow our Twitter stream #RadiantSurvivor or visit Erica’s Facebook Page.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Transformation = Abundance

I have heard it  said that great souls awaken only through suffering. Difficulty shows us aspects of ourselves that need work, and these lessons would not have been learned if the Universe had not sent suffering in the first place.

I had a very difficult journey, opening to consciousness. I clung desperately to a life I thought was pre-ordained, and in doing so caused myself and others much suffering and pain. As I began to let go of that dream, I spent many years flowing through a series of challenging experiences that slowly revealed where my true passion and purpose lies.

As my consciousness opened, I was able to cure my depression, forgive the hurts of my youth, and begin to live in gratitude. What I'm doing now is very different from what I grew up believing I would be doing at this point in my life, and it's a product of everything I have gone through - pain, poverty, and failures as well as love, success and searching. Most people need to go through some kind of transformation to awaken to the Abundance of the Universe.

My purpose now is to show people who are awakening from the old paradigm, a simple method to tap into the tremendous abundance of the universe using new paradigm tools. I help them to use their skills, experience and passion to create products that add value to the world and increase the quality of life. Through my venture IDEABASH.ORG, people can then grow a global community for the distribution of their product, find collaborators to grow their business, and learn more about entrepreneurship and consciousness in the process.

In a nutshell, I help people to achieve abundance in both physical and spiritual realms, and understand the infinite value of Collaboration.

My venture is less than a year old, and I have been blessed to work with many people who I respect and admire, people who have given extraordinary energy to IDEABASH. Even so, it's time to increase the flow of energy and I'm looking for more collaborators, and outlets for increased education about this Conscious Entrepreneur Network.

If you're interested to know more, please come on over and take a look. If you sign up for the Newsletter you'll be notified when we have online events with global experts on Entrepreneurship and Spiritual Growth. You'll also receive a link to one of my original inspirational songs.

Sending many blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance!

Meg Montgomery, founder 

This post was written in collaboration with another 7 Graces of Marketing colleague, the Playful Genie Muse,
who challenged us to answer 3 questions. Learn more at CREATEAVITY.COM

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Resilient Networking: A New-Paradigm Business Building Technique

Resilient Networking is a powerful New-Paradigm method for income generation.
Resilient Networking formed naturally as the “growth engine” for IDEABASH. It replaces the old-paradigm tools of Marketing and Sales, with Education, Collaboration, Inspiration and Empowerment. Resilient Networking is a new way of doing business.... and “new” is not always easy! Most people are familiar (and comfortable) with the old-paradigm and might receive your advances cautiously when you first engage them.... But, if you're approaching the right people – conscious entrepreneurs looking to sell more product and expand their reach – they will give you the chance to explain how Resilient Networking and the IDEABASH Conscious Entrepreneur Network will benefit them well into the future. 

Resilient Networking is like growing a garden with the richest, most fertile soil. You invite five people who you know will add value to join your Primary IDEABASH.ORG Community. (Person-to-person contact is essential as you invite people.... don't rely on email or phone calls.) That 5-person Primary Community becomes the roots of your 3,905-person community. You tend these “roots” by making sure they understand how IDEABASH works, and you mentor them as they get their product and profile together. Answer their questions as they begin to grow their own Primary Community. Once this work is done, your garden grows lush and bountiful, and you get to pick the fruit year after year! IDEABASH members are responsible for their Primary Community ONLY; the growth of the rest of the Community is automatic. 
IDEABASHERS will naturally support each other.
Word-of-mouth is the most powerful tool to grow any business. You will have about 4,000 people purchasing your product and many of those people are going to love what you offer. They will come back to your website to see what other products you might have, and may become life-long customers. Also, they'll talk to their friends about this amazing thing they found. You can encourage word-of-mouth growth in your community by packaging your product in an appealing way and reaching out with a personalized noted. Quality and Personalization always add value and get attention.
Perhaps someone in your community will have an idea for other forms of distribution, and will reach out to you, perhaps in the form of a gig for musicians, or a feature on a reality show for a chef, or a gallery showing for artists. Who knows! IDEABASH is built on the foundation of Connection and Collaboration, and offers a whole new universe of possibilities for your business as your community grows. 

We are NOT a Network Marketing model; Network Marketing “takes” from people. Resilient Networking gives back much more than it takes; offering education, inspiration, collaboration and empowerment. When you're making an income through IDEABASH, you have already empowered many people by teaching a new-paradigm business method, sending blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance, and offering a product that adds to the quality of life.

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Fertility of the Future

In tonight's twilight, I took a walk with my dogs into the backwoods; my familiar terrain. 

I took with me a blue egg from my favorite hen, a 5 year old Araucana, which holds more divinity than any Easter egg ever could. I cradled this egg as I walked down the slope, past the bonfire pit, and stepped down to the waterfall, where thousands of gallons of pure mountain water pour down each minute, being washed and reborn on the rocks. This is my Sacred Place, where I meditate, play music, and watch my son commune with nature.

After a few minutes, my dogs urged me onward, down into the valley. At the bottom of this valley runs the clearest water known to mankind.... rising from 10 springs. At the edges of the stream, the Forget-me-not plants are just greening; the water plays an incessant game with moss growing on the submerged rocks and baby trout dart from one hiding place to the next. If ever Purity existed, this would be it. I quickly dip my hands in and communicate my love for the water.

We continued our walk, egg still cradled in my hand, through hemlock forests, to the next stream. This stream is connected to the stream I will talk about in a minute, but at this point it has gone through a chamber of beaver dams and carries with it the breath of life... of Purpose. I dip my hands and ask the water to bless me. The water is warmer than you would imagine; but utterly clear and full of life. In just a hundred feet, it will meet up with the stream from the waterfall and form a larger stream, rushing downhill and eventually spilling into the Delaware River which provides fresh water to 15 million people.

My dogs and I continue our walk through the forest and into a forced field, above which runs power lines carrying energy from Niagara Falls to NYC. A feeble attempt at renewable energy; MARCY South does more to destruct than to empower, but at the very least it allows us to gorge on sunshine for a few minutes during our walk, before we submerge ourselves back in the forest en route to the Beaver Pond. I still carry the egg in my hand; it's warm and the perfect shape gives comfort to my hand.

The Beaver Pond, according to my neighbor, has been a playground and fishing haven for kids for a hundred years. The pond is about 8 acres altogether, surrounded by thousands of acres of forest and fields. The dam is barely visible, having been flattened by motorcycles and ATVs these past few decades. I have my favorite log that I sit on while my dogs race across the ice, chasing the scent of deer and fox. It's the most peaceful and quiet place I know of. I allow my dogs to wear themselves out before moving on.

The egg is still warm in my hand as I head down the hill. I think back to a recent post I had seen about Ishtar; the goddess of love, fertility and war who is loosely associated with the Pagan celebrations preceding Easter. Eggs have been forever associated with fertility and this symbolism was not lost in me, on this spring-like Good Friday.

I'm reminded that I am giving birth to my own version of the future; introducing a form of WELLTH for those who seek to produce valuable products from their own ideas, skills and experience, with IDEABASH. The egg is a representation of the Infinite Possibility of that Fertility. Before I reach the bottom of the hill, the mud has trapped me and I trip, dropping the egg. Its DNA seeps into the earth and I bless the union of this nutrition with the sacred earth, and whatever life form will use it for sustenance. I don't mourn the loss, but accept the fruition of this egg's purpose.

At the bottom of this hill is the final stream; headwaters of the previous stream I spoke about. It comes down from the mountains, pure and unadultered. Crayfish and trout are shadows among the rocks. At this point, the stream is just emerging from the deep forest into the sunlight and I always stop here and play with the water, exchanging energy. Today, a ring slips off my finger; an old wedding ring from a previous relationship, I kept it as a symbol of my present relationship (my current partner has promised me a new ring).  I leave this little bit of gold amidst the rocks and moss as my pledge to water... the most precious gift of life. I give it my Eternal Love and Gratitude, and the promise that I will forever continue to protect it to the best of my abilities.

The sensation I come away with is playful and jubilant and powerful. I have only gratitude as I return to my home with my tired and happy dogs. My purpose is clear; my friends are dear; my love is near. There is nothing to fear.

There is only a beautiful future to build; having been birthed, it must be nurtured. This is my job as a mother, and wife: to ensure the Fertility of the Future.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A Gentle Flame, Illuminating the Future

The Art of Sacred Geometry using a Mandelbrot Fractal
There are always many possible outcomes to any particular problem. Sometimes, one solution seems inevitable, and makes it difficult for a person or a society to imagine that any other solutions are possible. And yet, the word IMPOSSIBLE can also be stated as "I'm Possible" so it's important to remember that we should never give up, no matter how difficult the situation.

Always keep hope in your heart.

Perhaps the most important thing that we can be doing right now is community building; searching for the people in our local area, as well as around the world, who understand our world view. These are people to share ideas and creative energy with, dream-building; and then collaborate with in order to build those dreams.

This is a magic moment in time... a sacred time of cosmic illumination; understanding our connectedness to the very fabric of the universe! Each one of us has a purpose toward the advancement of humanity, and every day we make choices that either help or hinder that purpose. It's been proven that people who are socially connected are happier, healthier and more productive than those who are loners. I urge you to turn off your TV, unplug the video games, adopt an animal, volunteer for a cause you believe in, and give your beautiful energy to something that improves the world.

Understand who and what you are supporting with every dollar or euro or pound you're spending. Do you feel obligated to the gas and oil industry? Perhaps there are things you could be doing to be less reliant on them. What are you consuming when you purchase processed food? Are there better choices you could make for you and your family? Is going to the doctor the only way to heal?

I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions every day, and make it a goal to be able to say yes:

Do you choose to love? Do you chose to lend a helping hand? Do you chose to respect? Do you chose to appreciate? Do you chose to be grateful? Do you choose to be connected?

To be more conscious in your life - this is the most powerful and wonderful action you can take to improve your life and the world around you. Be a part of the Shift! Be on the Transition Team! Join the massive network of individuals who are lighting the way into the future of interconnectedness, where ME is always a part of WE.

IDEABASH is a network of Conscious Entrepreneurs who pledge to support each other into success. It's a stunning way to learn new business ideas, find creative inspiration, meet people who share your worldview, and earn a fantastic income. 

Wishing you many blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance,

Meg Montgomery, founder

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Art of Collaboration

Going forward into this new paradigm of 5th Dimension of Business, collaboration is perhaps the most important element of success. It replaces "Networking," an old-paradigm term which implies that you're looking for people who can give you what you need. Instead, we're looking for people we can work WITH in order to create the greatest success for all involved.

The new paradigm is the WE culture, replacing the Me Culture.

The grab everything you can get your hands on and make as much money as possible mindset has failed us, big time. It has allowed the greediest among us to swipe all the wealth out of our pockets, and trash the earth with pollution and desecration. But it's over now; the ME culture is in its death throes.

From the ashes of that collapsed system, rises the Great Phoenix of Hope, offering WELLTH; a whole new way of thriving that focuses on our strengths and our vision, and our interconnectedness. Humanity is a microcosm of the Universe - we each play a part in a greater plan; and that functionality is reflected in the design of IDEABASH.ORG. Your success is my success. If I don't help you succeed, I will not succeed. But when I help you succeed, the most amazing things happen! 

We're all in this life together. We're all players on the stage. No matter where you're at in your life, when you enter into the IDEABASH community, you become a collaborator in a system that helps people to thrive and add value to the world. Pull your weight! Learn the ropes! Put in the time that you need to become familiar with this new way of earning a great living! Once you've accomplished this most basic of tasks, you will thrive ... by supporting others, offering your vision to the world, and elevating the vibrational energy of humanity.

Join us, this coming Thursday, for the launch of Conscious Entrepreneur Network. Our purpose is to empower entrepreneurs who are "Being the Change They Want to See" and to grow a global community around this philosophy.

You can register for this free webinar at We would love to have you there!

Wishing you many blessings of Love, Gratitude and Abundance!

Meg Montgomery, founder

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Virtual Interview with author Jamie Smart

Today I have the great pleasure of being the host on Day 6 of the Virtual Blog Tour of author Jamie Smart whose book Clarity: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results is celebrating its big Amazon launch March 12th through March 31st, 2013 at

Jamie Smart is an internationally renowned writer, speaker, coach, trainer and consultant. Originally from Canada and now based in London, Jamie shows individuals and organizations the unexpected keys to clarity—the ultimate leverage point for creating more time, better decisions and meaningful results. Jamie is a gifted speaker, equally engaging in front of large audiences and more intimate groups. He’s passionate about helping individuals and businesses to deepen their understanding of Innate Thinking® and to create the results that matter to them. In addition to working with a handful of coaching clients and leading selected corporate programs, Jamie runs professional development workshops for business leaders, trainers, coaches and consultants. He has appeared on Sky TV and on the BBC, as well as in numerous publications.

Yesterday, Jamie visited Eric Van Der Hope at, where they talked about 8 "deep drivers" and information & time management.

Today, I'd like to share with you a recent interview I had with Jamie when I got to ask him some questions on science behind wisdom/intuition, good salesmanship and resilience. I hope you enjoy it.

Meg Montgomery: The science behind wisdom and intuition - If there is a science to wisdom and intuition, how can we tap into, or engage the formula to assure that we are fully accessing our wisdom and intuition?

Jamie Smart: Here’s how it works. Wisdom / intuition / gut feeling are examples of fresh, new, extremely valuable thoughts that aren’t mediated by our habitual thought-patterns. Leaders throughout history (including scientists, generals and entrepreneurs) have relied on moments of “strategic insight” to help them solve problems, set direction and innovate. In almost every case, these moments of insight arise during a period of reflection / quiet contemplation. Conduct your own study; ask people “When do you get your best ideas?” and you’ll likely hear “In the shower”, “On holiday”, “Out for a walk”; answers that wouldn’t surprise Archimedes (bath), Isaac Newton (his mum’s garden) and Steve Jobs (long walks).

Meg Montgomery: Qualities of good salesmanship - In our day and age, the concept of business is rapidly changing. Is there a new paradigm for sales? If so, what are the qualities that conscious entrepreneurs need to be aware of? 

Jamie Smart: The sales playing field has been leveled, moving from “caveat emptor” (let the buyer beware) to “caveat venditor” (let the seller beware) due to the massive increase in buyers’ product information and social networks (thanks to Daniel Pink for this distinction). As a result, the most powerful tool a conscious entrepreneur has is their ability to listen.

Specifically, being able to listen with nothing on your mind. When you have a clear mind, you have what you need for a sales conversation.

Think about it. How many times have you been in a conversation with someone who:

- Doesn’t let you get a word in edgewise, or

- Is waiting for their turn to speak, or

- Has an agenda on their mind, or

- Is trying to remember a specific sales process, or worse…

- Thinks they need you to do / be / buy something so that they can be happy / secure / ok…

It’s frustrating at best, and needy / creepy at worst. But when you’ve got nothing on your mind, you’re able to…

- Allow a genuine connection to develop

- Tune into the other person, really “getting” them and their world

- Understand their problems, needs, issues and desires

- Notice how they’re responding to you

- Come up with creative solutions

When you listen with nothing on your mind, you can focus on serving your client (this telegraphs inner security), rather than trying to make them like and approve of you (this telegraphs neediness and insecurity).

Meg Montgomery: Resilience - which is an integral concept to IDEABASH.ORG - as a "Deep Driver”; Can you please go into detail about what you consider to be Resilience, and how this can open up doors to success in all facets of life?

Jamie Smart: Resilience is one of the 8 deep drivers we all have. It’s the source of persistence and mental toughness that accounts for our ability to bounce back after disappointment and calamity. It’s the source of the flexibility and agility that allow us to rapidly changing circumstances. We’re all born with it (that’s why you were able to learn to walk and talk).

So why are some people resilient and resourceful in the face of hardship and crisis, while others seem to fall apart at the slightest provocation?

The answer is superstitious thinking, arising from the “outside-in misunderstanding” (the mistaken belief that our feelings come from something other than our thinking, eg. Circumstances, other people, our past, future conditions etc.) We all experience superstitious thinking from time to time, but some people are more caught up in it than others.

People who seem to fall apart at the slightest provocation are convinced that their superstitious thinking is real. People who are resilient and resourceful in the face of hardship and crisis intuitively know their superstitious thinking is an illusion.

Resilience, wisdom and insight are all emergent properties of innate thinking, our natural ability to have an experience of life. The way to increase your resilience, wisdom and insight is to deepen your understanding of the principles behind innate thinking.

I hope you enjoyed this interview with Jamie Smart and that you’ll check out his book:

Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results

Buy the book between March 12th – 31st, 2013 and you will receive:
  • Access to a collection of dozens of Jamie’s Clarity training videos, including many coaching demos, to help guide you to finding your own clarity
  • Free access to a special 1-day “Kickstart Your Clarity” event, which you can attend either in London OR on online via live stream from anywhere in the world.
    If you happen to be reading this before the launch has started, you can register at that page for a “launch reminder”. When you do, Jamie will give you 2 free chapters of the book along with access to his Clarity training videos. That way, you can get a feel for what the book is about before you buy. Then, Jamie will drop you an email as soon as the book is available on March 12th.
Thanks for reading! Please share your comments and thoughts below. I love reading your feedback.

AND… be sure to follow Jamie tomorrow when the next stop on the Virtual Blog Tour is Shelagh Jones, who will be interviewing Jamie on this great podcast about his process in writing Clarity. To visit that "stop" on the tour, go to